GEMS Correlations with the Georgia State Science Standards

Grade Level Expectations and Benchmarks for Science
for Fourth Grade

Physical Science
Life Science
Earth/Space Science

Return to Georgia State Standards Page

Strand: Inquiry

1. Inquiry , Process Skills, and Problem Solving

Standard: Asks questions, makes inferences and predictions, uses estimation and measurement, uses evidence to construct explanations, makes sketches and diagrams to explain ideas, organizes data into tables and charts for interpretation, reads and interprets various types of graphs, formulates simple hypotheses, identifies and controls a limited number of variables, and designs a simple experiment.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, On Sandy Shores, Aquatic Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Fingerprinting, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing

2. Reference Skills

Standard: Uses encyclopedias, science reference magazines, books and other media to obtain information related to science concepts.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, On Sandy Shores, Aquatic Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Fingerprinting, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing

3. Safety

Standard: Identifies and practices accepted safety procedures in manipulating science materials and equipment.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, On Sandy Shores, Aquatic Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Fingerprinting, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing

4. Activities/Tools

Standard: Actively engages in the learning process via hands-on/minds-on science activities and experiences. Uses appropriate tools to collect and analyze data and solve problems.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, On Sandy Shores, Aquatic Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Fingerprinting, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing

Strand: Physical Science

7. Energy and Its Transformation: Magnetism and Electricity

Standard: Investigates materials that do or do not conduct electricity. Tests a variety of materials to determine conductors and insulators.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Electric Circuits

8. Energy and Its Transformation: Magnetism and Electricity

Standard: Distinguishes between static and current electricity. Produces and identifies examples of static and current electricity such as static cling and complete circuits.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Electric Circuits

9. Energy and Its Transformation: Magnetism and Electricity

Standard: Demonstrates differences between open-closed circuits and parallel-series circuits. Constructs examples of open and closed circuits and parallel and series circuits with differing numbers of batteries and bulbs.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Electric Circuits

10. Energy and Its Transformation: Magnetism and Electricity

Standard: Recognizes sources and illustrates transmission and safe use of electricity. Describes electrical sources to include chemical (battery), mechanical (generator) and light (photoelectric cell). Constructs examples of open and closed circuits using a variety of designs. Tests materials to determine conductors and nonconductors (insulators).

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Electric Circuits

18. Energy and Its Transformations: Light and Color

Standard: Demonstrates how light travels and can be separated into a visible spectrum. Produces a rainbow using a prism, water or oil (refraction).

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival

19. Energy and Its Transformations: Light and Color

Standard: Investigates the characteristics of light, its movement and its action with objects. Demonstrates how to use mirrors to control direction of light (reflection). Manipulates mirrors to demonstrate and measure directions of light beams, angle of incidence and angle of reflection. Observes the refractive behavior of light using lenses (concave and convex), microscopes and telescopes. Distinguishes between transparent, translucent, and opaque.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Microscopic Explorations

21. Energy and Its Transformations: Light and Color

Standard: Investigates the relationship of light, color and heat absorption. Makes comparisons of heat absorption based on color of objects (such as clothing or construction paper).

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Hot Water and Warm Homes

22. Energy and Its Transformations: Light and Color

Standard: Describes the technological procedures/devices that use light. Selects a topic and uses a variety of media resources to investigate selected topics (laser, optical fiber technology, or infrared devices).

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Microscopic Explorations

Strand: Life Science

23. Ecology: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy

Standard: Describes relationships in living communities, changes that occur, and the impact of these changes. Constructs a model or diagram of a food chain/food web. Describes the impact of an interruption in the chain.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Terrarium Habitats, On Sandy Shores, Aquatic Habitats, Schoolyard Ecology

24. Ecology: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy

Standard: Identifies how matter and energy do or do not cycle in a ecosystem. Describes how matter cycles in a ecosystem (nutrients, producers, consumers and decomposers) but energy must always be added.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Terrarium Habitats, Aquatic Habitats

25. Ecology: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy

Standard: Discusses causes and possible solutions for pollution. Identifies types of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution, and discusses how overpopulation contributes to pollution. Formulates ideas for solutions to existing pollution problems.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: On Sandy Shores, Hot Water and Warm Homes

26. Ecology: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy

Standard: Discusses the importance of recycling and identifies examples of recycled products. Identifies and collects examples of materials that can be reused or recycled and those that cannot. Shows examples of products and materials that are biodegradable and those that are non-biodegradable.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: On Sandy Shores, Hot Water and Warm Homes

Strand: Earth/Space Science

28. Earth Processes: Weather and Climate

Standard: Demonstrates and describes the water cycle and the role of evaporation, precipitation and condensation. Examines the process of change as it relates to water in the atmosphere.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: On Sandy Shores

34. Space: Astronomy

Standard: Compares and contrasts the Earth and other planets of our solar system. Constructs a model of the earth/moon system and the solar system. Observes a model of the solar system and describes characteristics of the sun and planets.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Moons of Jupiter

35. Space: Astronomy

Standard: Illustrates the relative size and distance of planets in our solar systems. Constructs a scale model of the sun and its nine planets.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Moons of Jupiter

36. Space: Astronomy

Standard: Compares characteristics (size, portion, composition) of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, moons and meteors.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Moons of Jupiter

38. Space: Astronomy

Standard: Identifies different technological devices and resources that help us study the universe. Investigates how telescopes, satellites sensors and online resources help us understand our universe.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Moons of Jupiter, Oobleck

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