GEMS Handbooks

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GEMS publishes a number of handbooks that support the implementation of GEMS activity units and other inquiry-based programs for diverse audiences:

The Architecture of Reform
The Architecture of Reform outlines how GEMS fits into and supports national standards for science education.

GEMS Leader's Handbook 
This handbook is primarily designed as a resource for educators who introduce GEMS to other teachers.

Insights & Outcomes: Assessments for Great Explorations in Math and Science 
Insights & Outcomes is designed to help teachers and educators assess student learning progress, and provides a coherent, accessible assessment component for the entire GEMS series.

GEMS Kit Builder's Handbook, a guide to what you'll need to build your own kit for 42 GEMS Teacher's Guides, is now out of print, but you can download a free PDF copy (abridged) from here.

Parent Partners: Workshops to Foster School/Home/Family Partnerships
Parent Partners is especially designed for educators and activist parents who wish to increase parental involvement in children’s education. The many tools in this book educate parents about current approaches in science and mathematics education, and about the enormous positive educational impact parents can make.

The Rainbow of Mathematics
This handbook explains new approaches in modern mathematics education and defines the major mathematics strands in GEMS.

Science and Math Explorations for Young Children
This handbook highlights the educational philosophy and practice behind the GEMS/PEACHES programs for young children.

The GEMS Teacher's Handbook 
This helpful book includes special tips that apply to teaching GEMS and other guided-discovery science and math activities. Now out of print, but available as a free download.


Another useful tool–
Spark Your Child's Success
in Math and Science

a great resource
for parents.

Lawrence Hall of Science    © 2020 UC Regents. All rights reserved.    Contact GEMS    Updated February 06, 2021