GEMS Correlations with the Georgia State Science Standards

Grade Level Expectations and Benchmarks for Science
for Fifth Grade

Physical Science
Life Science
Earth/Space Science

Return to Georgia State Standards Page

Strand: Inquiry

1. Science Inquiry, Process Skills and Problem Solving

Standard: Asks questions, makes and keeps records of observations, classifies objects and events, communicates with others, makes inferences and predictions, uses estimation and measurement, uses evidence to construct explanations, makes sketches and diagrams to explain ideas, organizes data into tables and charts for interpretation, reads and interprets various types of graphs, formulates simple hypotheses, identifies and controls a limited number of variables, and designs a simple experiment.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Fingerprinting, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing, Animals in Action, Bubble-ology, Color Analyzers, Earth, Moon, & Stars, Environmental Detectives, Mapping Animal Movements, Messages From Space, Paper Towel Testing, Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean

2. Reference Skills

Standard: Uses encyclopedias, science reference magazines, books and other media to obtain information related to science concepts.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Fingerprinting, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing, Animals in Action, Bubble-ology, Color Analyzers, Earth, Moon, & Stars, Environmental Detectives, Mapping Animal Movements, Messages From Space, Paper Towel Testing, Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean

3. Safety

Standard: Identifies and practices accepted safety procedures in manipulating science materials and equipment.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing, Animals in Action, Bubble-ology, Color Analyzers, Earth, Moon, & Stars, Environmental Detectives, Mapping Animal Movements, Messages From Space, Paper Towel Testing, Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean

4. Activities/Tools

Standard: Actively engages in the learning process via hands-on/minds-on science activities and experiences. Uses appropriate tools to collect and analyze data and solve problems.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Investigating Artifacts, Terrarium Habitats, Mystery Festival, Schoolyard Ecology, Crime Lab Chemistry, Fingerprinting, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Microscopic Explorations, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing, Animals in Action, Bubble-ology, Color Analyzers, Earth, Moon, & Stars, Environmental Detectives, Mapping Animal Movements, Messages From Space, Paper Towel Testing, Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean

Strand: Physical Science

6. Structure of Matter

Standard: Investigates characteristics of length, mass, volume, density, alkalinity/acidity and temperature. Uses balance scales, thermometers, rulers, litmus paper and containers to compare characteristics of various objects.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Bubble Festival, Mystery Festival, Hot Water and Warm Homes, Moons of Jupiter, Of Cabbages and Chemistry, Oobleck, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing, Bubble-ology, Environmental Detectives, Paper Towel Testing, Ocean Currents

8. Structure of Matter

Standard: Differentiates between and describes physical and chemical changes in matter. Identifies and demonstrates examples of physical and chemical changes.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Crime Lab Chemistry, Stories in Stone, Vitamin C Testing, Environmental Detectives, Ocean Currents

15. Motion/Force/ Machines

Standard: Investigates the force of gravity. Describes gravity as a force that changes depending on the distance between two objects and difference in their masses.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Moons of Jupiter

16. Motion/Force/ Machines

Standard: Predicts, observes and records data on the rate of fall of objects. Compares the rate of fall of objects varying in mass and discusses how air resistance affects the rate of fall.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Moons of Jupiter

Strand: Life Science

17. The Living World: Animals

Standard: Compares different kinds of animals and their protective adaptations. Identifies examples of animals with protective adaptations in color, physical structure and body markings and shadings, such as zebras, giraffes, Viceroy butterflies and deer.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Terrarium Habitats, Schoolyard Ecology, Animals in Action, Mapping Animal Movements, Only One Ocean

18. The Living World: Animals

Standard: Compares similarities and differences in animals. Groups animals using pictures or actual specimens by observable characteristics such as body covering, number of legs, wings, ears, color and size.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Terrarium Habitats, Schoolyard Ecology, Microscopic Explorations, Animals in Action, Environmental Detectives, Only One Ocean

19. The Living World: Animals

Standard: Identifies and describes the five major kingdoms (Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protists and Monerans). Names and describes basic characteristics and examples of each kingdom.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Animals in Action, Environmental Detectives, Only One Ocean

24. The Living World: Human Body

Standard: Determines effects of technology on food and nutrition. Discusses how refrigeration, packaging, processing, advertisements and transportation technologies have influenced typical student diets.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Vitamin C Testing

Strand: Earth/Space Science

25. Earth Processes: Physical Geology

Standard: Discusses temperature change, chemical action and living things as important factors in the splitting and breaking down of rocks. Observes rock crevices where ice may form and act as a wedge to split rock. Observes action of vinegar on different types of rocks and observes plant roots in rock crevices.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: On Sandy Shores, Stories in Stone

26. Earth Processes: Physical Geology

Standard: Recognizes changes that occur on the Earth's surface as a result of erosion and deposition. Describes examples of erosion and describe examples of deposition.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Stories in Stone, Environmental Detectives, River Cutters

27. Earth Processes: Physical Geology

Standard: Explores and discuses change in the Earth's surface due to plate tectonics. Uses maps to illustrate ring of fire, mid-Atlantic Ridge, major fault zones, etc. Describes features created by faults.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Stories in Stone

28. Earth Processes: Physical Geology

Standard: Recognizes that changes that occur on the Earth's surface (earthquakes, volcanoes and erosion) are a result of forces acting upon it. Describes examples of changes in the environment that are the result of wind and water forces. Describes how the movement of molten rock affects features such as faults and volcanoes.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Stories in Stone, River Cutters, Ocean Currents

29. Earth Processes: Physical Geology

Standard: Recognizes that technology helps control land and water forces. Locates examples showing how technology such as dams and contour plowing helps to control land and water forces.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: River Cutters

30. Earth Processes: Oceanography

Standard: Recognizes and describes the topography of the ocean floor.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Stories in Stone, Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean

31. Earth Processes: Oceanography

Standard: Recognizes ocean water is in constant motion due to currents, waves and tides.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean

32. Earth Processes: Oceanography

Standard: Recognizes that ocean water varies in the content of dissolved materials, its physical properties and the living things it supports.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean

33. Earth Processes: Oceanography

Standard: Recognizes and describes the ocean's many valuable resources, some of which may be threatened by pollution, excessive harvest and harmful mining techniques.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Ocean Currents, Only One Ocean, On Sandy Shores

34. Earth Processes: Oceanography

Standard: Identifies and describes the varied technologies used to study and explore the oceans.

Appropriate GEMS Teacher Guides: Ocean Currents

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